Serviços | Wellnutri

We have
the right solution
for you !

Wellnutri - Diagnóstico de Intolerâncias Alimentares


The lack of time is nowadays a reality for the majority of the population.For that reason we now have home services which include food intolerance test, epigenetics evaluation and carrying out the personalised food plan. This service is subject to budget and prior scheduling.

Benefits for you !

It avoids patient’s dislocations, time waste, personalised follow-up.

Request your quote


The equipments rental is also an option for professionals who want to make the exam available and work independently, Wellnutri test is very easy to carry around and must be matched with a laptop We delivered and collected the equipment in your city .We provide the initial training. Technical support is also provided by our team.

Contact us and make available an innovative service to its customers.



You are a health professional and you would like to provide an innovative service ? We have nine years of experience with food intolerances. Ask us for a quote.

Wellnutri test belongs to the eletropunction diagnosis that’s to say it is based in the collection of electrophysiological properties from the skin and in the area of acunpuncture points. If you’re a health professional don’t hesitate and contact us to know more about the purchasing options. We provide the training and technical support.


The Test in
your pharmacy!

We have the customized solution

If you wish to make available the food intolerance test in your city you can choose to buy, rent or work with us in a partnership.

Our medical equipments are developed to support the activity of naturopaths, therapists and patients in a simple, holistic, modular system in such a way to analyse and restore health. The equipments aimed at a medical use are certified and are under constant development.

In the case of Wellnutri test more than 500 foods are checked individually. The individual tolerance of each person is represente through a bar code highlighting the tolerated/non tolerated foods.

Contact Request

Food service

Wellnutri embraced the Consulting in Food and Nutrition with the goal of offering a set of services in accordance with the specific needs of each customer.

Some of the services provided are:
- Food education programs development ; inserted in the curriculum;
- Planning of school menus;
- Nutritional follow-up;
- Sustainable consultation Nutrition appointments;


Food Plan

Consultancy in
Schools and IPSS

Fiscalização do
cumprimento de Ementas

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